Filtered by :

Region = KUW
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Total 2 shooters from 1 countries

(for filter country click on country icon)

Registration Status

Status #
RDY 👍 ready for match2


Match partmaxtaken (RDY+PAID)free
Prematch FRIDAY 19.4.20241039112
Main match SATURDAY 20.4.2024904446
Main match SUNDAY  21.4.2024904842

Verify informations

Last scored record (D/T): 21.04.2024 12:14 (Fedor Marian , stage 3)
Number of score records: 2076

data generated: 21.9.2024 00:14:25 Europe/Prague (GMT +2), Cache TTL: 1m
This page shows actual shooters list, for sorting click to column header.

Slovak Extreme Challenge 2024 / 2024-04-20 / Piestany, SVK