Česká zbrojovka a.s.
CZ – Highly advanced firearms embodying almost 90 years of experience
Ceska zbrojovka a.s. (CZ) is a premier Czech manufacturer of innovative, precision-engineered small arms that are exported to more than 100 countries around the world. All CZ firearms are designed to provide users with an instinctive fit that ensures intuitive and natural handling.
Its factory in the Czech city of Uhersky Brod, founded in 1936, is ISO 9001 certified and utilizes the most advanced manufacturing equipment, technologies and processes, including the strict application of a quality management system that adheres to the most stringent global standards.
Ceska zbrojovka a.s. is one of the main pillars of the international Colt CZ Group SE.


Laugo Arms Alien is revolutionary semiautomatic pistol with several patented and unique technical solutions.
Alien system of operation does not use obsolete locking mechanisms or normal trigger mechanism.
This new approach is driven by the vision of progress which we want to give to the shooters.
DaVinci Machining and Manufacturing
DaVinci Machining is a machining and manufacturing company located in Pinellas Park, Florida, and provides machined parts nationwide. With a core emphasis on machining custom metal parts, our customers come from a diverse set of industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Architectural, Commercial and Medical.

ARMA ZEKA s.r.o. was founded by the ZEKA plus s.r.o. machining company with a tradition of custom and cooperative arms manufacturing. The main activity of the company consists of development and manufacturing programmes for light handugund in the segment of sport and personal defence pistols and their accessories. Our main product is the Sport pistol AZ-P1 and their submodels.

SHIELD was formed in the early 1980’s in Great Britain. We have a proven track record in providing SF Advanced Shooting Training and in developing innovative products, including:
Specialist suppressed weapons for Special Forces, Suppressor and folding stock for Accuracy International British Army sniper rifle, Electronic target systems, Range Construction
30 Years on, we are now one of the leading providers passionate about rapid target acquisition and engagement, SHIELD continues to design, implement and manufacture products that enable our shooters to “Hit the Target Earlier”

In recent years we have built Mini Red Dots for companies including JP Rifles (JPoint) & Trijicon’s REDDOT, marketed under their own brands.

where precision meets performance
Our copper-plated bullets ensure optimal accuracy, minimal barrel wear, and maximum safety for shooters. Elevate your IPSC performance with CamPro and unlock unparalleled accuracy with every round!
IPSC Znojmo
a sport shooting club/shooting range Hodonice
The range was built in the 1990s from a former gravel pit, and its 30 shooting bays and total length of more than 500 meters makes it one of the largest outdoor shooting ranges in Europe.

a company dedicated to the promotion of IPSC, USPSA and Steel Challenge competition shooting

Setting the standard
Justifiably proud of the slogan Setting the Standard, M-Arms combines engineering knowledge and shooting skills of the best shooters from all over the world resulting in cutting edge products; Firearms, Slides, Silencers, targets and shooting accessories. M-Arms uses the latest technology i.e. CAD/CAM for producing top quality products that meet even the most demanding requirements of our customers.

Veolia Energie ČR je součástí skupiny Veolia, která v České republice patří k nejvýznamnějším poskytovatelům vodohospodářských, energetických a odpadových služeb.
Svou energetickou činnost na českém trhu začala skupina Veolia již na počátku 90. let a dnes své hlavní energetické komodity – teplo a teplou vodu – dodává do 560 tisíců domácností a společně pak s elektřinou a dalšími komoditami jako jsou chlad, plyn, stlačený vzduch a dusík je dodává do více než 300 průmyslových podniků a 1800 zařízením v terciárním sektoru. Od roku 1996 zajišťuje společnost Veolia svým zákazníkům výrobu a distribuci pitné vody a odvádění a čištění odpadních vod a poskytuje know-how v oblasti správy vodohospodářské infrastruktury. Veolia zároveň odborně likviduje odpad a zajišťuje spolehlivé a ekonomicky efektivní druhotné využití vedlejších produktů z vodárenství a energetiky.
The company Limit-Z s.r.o. is a manufacturing and trading company operating in the field of production and sales of ammunition. Through its twenty-year history, it has gained rich experience in this field, a stable market position and a wide network of business partners.

C-More Systems
Manufacturer of World Champion sports optics since 1993

ParlamentníListy.cz is a news and communication server focused on
political, social and economic events in the Czech Republic. It also
covers foreign events that affect the interests of the Czech Republic.
It is unique in this respect not only in the Czech Republic, but also in
TV BRNO 1 is the only regional news television for the city of Brno and
the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic broadcasting on the
basis of a license in the second largest city of the country.
With its signal in DVBT2 and at regional cable providers (e.g. UPC or
O2), the signal covers the territory of the South Moravian Region with
more than 1.200.000 inhabitants. The television broadcasts 24 hours a
day, seven days a week and covers municipal issues, social, cultural and
sporting events throughout the region.

Oberbank CZ

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